A wonderful French press for our delicious coffee
Meet the most sophisticated French press. You know that such an important title should probably be awarded rather than announced, but Clara is in an absorbing league of her own. Fine-tuned details and enhanced features make this cooking easy, enjoyable and the epitome of coffee table decoration. Whether you're whipping up a French press recipe at breakfast or entertaining a crowd with a shrimp cocktail in one hand and a Clara in the other, you'll always end up with an uplifted cuppa.
Volume: 24 oz Dimensions: Weight: 917g (with plastic handle), 784.5g (with walnut handle) Materials: - plastic handle, - walnut handle: Stainless steel body and filter, BPA-free plastic lid and handle, non-stick inner surface with PTFE (PFOA-free), optional wooden press and walnut handle
Care + Use
Cleaning: Only the mesh filter can be washed in the dishwasher.