This tea has ancient origins. Its traces lead to the teas that the English liked to drink in the 18th century. It is 100% Chinese Keemun black tea. Taste it with milk and sugar.
Ingredients: 100% black Keemun tea
Coffee Preparation
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This tea has ancient origins. Its traces lead to the teas that the English liked to drink in the 18th century. It is 100% Chinese Keemun black tea. Taste it with milk and sugar.
Ingredients: 100% black Keemun tea
v poradku
Vše proběhlo v pořádku, určitě nakoupím zas.
Jako vzdy vse na top urovni, dekuji
Please translate your website on English
Dobrý den, Alexandre,
velice děkujeme za Vaše hodnocení, které je pro nás důležité.
Direct Trade
Specialty Coffee
Roast Daily
My boyfriend gave it to me as a present since I’m a coffee snob, and I think it was the sweetest thing from him:) coffee is so delicious!
Intenzita kyselosti velice příjemná.
Sladkost této kávě dává to pravé ořechové.
Nemám co vytknout. Za mě 1*